We as men generally Dont like difficult. Difficult jobs. Difficult wifes...difficult anything is a big turn off. We want everything to be easy. Easy as Pre-made pie.
Generally we don't like or approve of cults either.
Note the word difficult. Diffi-CULT. Now we can break down the word. Obviously we don't like Cults. Cults is part of the word difficult. Now wait you might be saying(but probably aren't saying) “eieioh”...WTF...new sentence time.
Now if you google “Diffi” the first site to pop us is this Check It If Your Not A Believer If you look at the profile on the page she describes her self as a” wise ass female”. NO Shizz!.Google it if ya don't believe me.
Diffi=“Wise ass Female
CULT=”a cohesive group of people” WIKI it if ya don't believe me
SO difficult means “A cohesive group of Wise Ass Females.”
This is kind of like interpreting what the bible means or interpreting Nostradamus and his writings. You can read what you want into it but it seems pretty scientific too me. So the next time your wife or girlfriend(or maybe both) tell you your being “difficult” just let her know the truth and say “No honey, it's you and your friends that are difficult.
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